Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Product Review-Egg White Powder

My review of the new Instant Milk got me geared up to do another review; this time of the Egg White Powder, which is a new product in the THRIVE line.
Egg White Powder
  Let me first begin by saying how incredibly excited I was to hear Shelf Reliance was launching egg white powder. If you've followed my blog for long or have checked out my cooking blog (fallinlovewithcooking), you know how much I love to cook, and more importantly, bake! 
  One of the biggest things that first attracted me to Shelf Reliance was the ability to use products I already use in my home, but without any waste. For example, I abhor buying fresh celery because I typically need only a couple stalks for the recipe I'm making and the rest tends to rot in my fridge. The same goes for eggs. When recipes call for egg whites I'm left standing in my kitchen wondering what to do with the yolks. No more!
  I tried out the egg white powder the other day on homemade Marshmallow Fluff.
Photo Credit CinnamonSpiceandEverythingNice
I'm not particularly fond of marshmallow fluff but I came across this recipe on
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 for Pina Colada Dip and decided if I was going to do something I may as well go "all in". So I did, and boy am I glad I did! The Fluff and Pina Colada Dip were incredible! And best of all, my egg white powder worked flawlessly.

Photo Credit ValSoCal
  A couple notes about THRIVE Egg White Powder:
-You need double the egg whites when making things like marshmallows, meringues and the marshmallow fluff I posted above (the recipe calls for 3 egg whites; I used 6 THRIVE Egg Whites).
-Since one THRIVE Egg White is one teaspoon THRIVE Egg White Powder, a pantry can will last you the year's life span on the can. Unless of course you plan to make marshmallows and meringues every day for a year, then you might want to consider a #10 can.
-There are 66 egg whites in one pantry can THRIVE Egg White Powder making the cost per egg white only twenty-one cents.

  My suggestion-if you enjoy baking and find yourself using egg whites even infrequently, buy a pantry can of THRIVE Egg White Powder. Then be sure to come back and tell me what you think!

Autumn Christiansen    Independent Consultant-Shelf Reliance   435-723-0977 

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