Thursday, June 28, 2012

Making Do for 72 Hours- PART TWO: Grab-N-Go Files

  I can't believe how much time has gone by since I posted part one of "Making do for 72 hours".  I had the best intentions to follow up quickly with part two, but life got the best of me. So, here I am with part two (better late than never right?)
  My parents created the most fantastic "Red Files" or "Grab-n-go" files for us about 5 years ago. The files came complete with a "master disk" so we could easily re-print pages of the file as changes needed to be made (ie. we were to move, etc.) My intentions for this post were to upload the pages of that disk so you could easily print everything and create a file of your own. A fantastic plan until I found out that our "master disk" is blank. Something happened in the process of copying the disk and I have no "master disk". My mother is looking for the original, but I wanted to get this post up. So...lucky for you (and me), Misty at yourownhomestore has created an equally fantastic "Grab-n-go" file for all of you to use. Check out Misty's Important Documents post in her Survival Week series.
  I would like to make a special note here about safety. I echo Misty's sentiments regarding concerns for risk. There is always a risk when your family's vital information is accessible to others. I know myself though, and know that should something disastrous happen (heaven forbid), I may not be able to remember all the things that would be required of me. The same goes for my husband and children. So, I choose to have a collective file of all our vital information that is easy for me to grab in an emergency. I also choose to protect that file as much as I possibly can. My recommendation when creating a file of this type is to keep one in your home that is easily accessible to you in an emergency, keep one in a safety deposit box and send one to a trusted out-of-area contact. That way should anything happen, someone will be able to identify you as you and your family will have less to worry about during an already stressful time.
  I know in part one of "Making Do for 72 Hours" I said I would be including a menu plan based on THRIVE foods for 72 hour kits with my part two post; I have decided to create a separate post for that. Watch for part three shortly.

Autumn Christiansen    Independent Consultant-Shelf Reliance   435-723-0977 

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